Sunday, May 17, 2015

Wrecking Ball Genetic Rap Blog

Wrecking Ball Genetic Rap Blog
I'm going to try to keep this introduction short,  but the point of this blog is to tell about the progress each day my group works on our genetic rap. This blog is also intended to show my personal advances with in the project of the blog. To sum things up, this blog is to show the progress of our Genetic rap/song.
The following are my rough draft lyrics:

Song: Wrecking Ball by: Miley Cyrus


This is a song about reproduction and dividing cells
Mitosis and Meiosis help create life because cells divide

We kissed  I fell under your spell of love, no one could deny:
During mitosis the cell reproduces asexullaly
There are four phases pro, meta, ana, and finally telophase

Cells need to reproduce and they multiply so that something can form
Cells help create things such as you and me we literally have trillions of cells
Yeah, in our body

Meiosis is a different type of cell reproduction
Its here that the cells sexually reproduce
Because there are two haploid cells

During meiosis the haploid sperm and egg combine to form one cell
Next the cell divides in way so that there are two haploid cells

And then the cells divide again, creating four total cells
Then each cell goes through four stages starting with prophase

Since I was not here the day that this blog was first introduced as an assignment, I don't know if the rest of my group had any other components to add.

Final Stages:

Here are my groups final lyrics:

We clawed, we chained our hearts in vain-  This is a rap about gene
We jumped never asking why- tics mitosis and meiosis
We kissed, I fell under your spell.- During mitosis the cell reproduces
A love no one could deny- asexullaly
Don't you ever say I just walked away- There are four phases pro, meta, ana, and
I will always want you- finally telophase
I can't live a lie, running for my life-  Now lets talk about heredity
I will always want you- and what it does
I came in like a wrecking ball- It starts with 16 chromosomes
I never hit so hard in love- then we have  thirty two
All I wanted was to break your walls- we get sixteen from both parents
All you ever did was wreck me- and all they do is pass character traits
Yeah, you, you wreck me- yeah they, pass character traits
I put you high up in the sky- heredity is very vital
And now, you're not coming down- now and it always be
It slowly turned, you let me burn- Mr. Gregor Mandel first proposed
And now, we're ashes on the ground- and now look where it is
Don't you ever say I just walked away- Don't you ever say you never used
I will always want you- the punnett square
I can't live a lie, running for my life- It is named after Reginald C. Punnett
I will always want you- and it will predict you
I came in like a wrecking ball- The dominate is a trait
I never hit so hard in love- that mask over a recessive form
All I wanted was to break your walls- All I want to do is get back
All you ever did was wreck me- to  heredity, Let us get back
I came in like a wrecking ball-  The gametes are the male and
Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung-  female sex cells
Left me crouching in a blaze and fall- Intermingled and we get you
All you ever did was wreck me-  this is sexaul reproduction
Yeah, you, you wreck me- yeah production of
I never meant to start a war- subsequent fusion
I just wanted you to let me in- of haploid cells within
And instead of using force- Lets learn about animals
I guess I should've let you win- They can adapt to things
I never meant to start a war- like new foods again
I just wanted you to let me in- Or like new vironments
I guess I should've let you win-  They will try to live
Don't you ever say I just walked away- Genetic traits are the best suited
I will always want you-  for the environment
I came in like a wrecking ball- They are most likely to survive
I never hit so hard in love- and reproduce
All I wanted was to break your walls-  and that is called natural selection
All you ever did was wreck me- stems to adaptations
I came in like a wrecking ball- Can be caused by mutations
Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung-  asexaul just needs one parent
Left me crashing in a blazing fall- sexual you need two parents
All you ever did was wreck me- Adaptations are good mutations
Yeah, you, you wreck me- Yeah It’s It’s called genetics
Yeah, you, you wreck me- Yeah It’s It’s called genetics

Our genetic "rap" was almost completed. We just had to add other pictures to our iMovie. We wanted to obviously have pictures of chromosome, and Punnent squares, heredity, and of meiosis and mitosis, as well as other pictures that had to do with our lyrics. We also wanted some live action footage of us awesomely dancing and jamming out to our genetic song. This can be seen in our final video. It was slightly difficult to put together the iMovie at first because we were using a Mac instead of an iPad. But we did figure it out and things worked out well. Everyone in my group did a great job singing their parts, well except that we all had like fifteen bloopers, but not my point. All in all the iMovie came together well.

I had a lot of fun working on this project. I enjoyed having a creative way to talk, well sing about how genetics work and the different components that tie into genetics. My group worked really well with each other and everyone got to participate. This was such a fun project and I love how the final product turned out! I'm sure that all of the future classes will enjoy it as much as I did!

To see the final video, click here! Enjoy! :)


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

God's Plan for our Purpose

God's Plan for Our Purpose
By: Emily VanDeKeere

Jeremiah 29:11"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."

There is always a purpose for things. There is a purpose to why we learn and go to school, there is a purpose why we have a president, and there is even a purpose as to why we pray to God. But I have always wondered what our purpose is and why God sometimes puts us in a certain place. So what is our purpose?

 Even though God puts us in certain places for a reason, we may not always know his purpose yet. For example, I don't entirely know why I was brought to Holy Cross except that my parents wanted me out of my old school. But as I think about it more and more, I've sort of put two and two together. What I figured out was that the younger grades look up to the older kids and that you can impact the younger grades in even the smallest ways. And I have seen this happen in my three/four years at Holy Cross. In fact, eighth grade has entirely has made a difference to the younger kids. This was eighth grades purpose but do you know your own purpose? I 'll get to that point in a second but I think now would be a great time for a story!

When I arrived at Holy Cross, I didn't really think that I would have much of a purpose. For the first two years of school at Holy Cross, it was just like regular school where you follow directions, turn in assignments, and pay attention in classes. Faith families in chapel were also pretty normal too. Just to clarify, faith families is a short time where the older grades such as sixth, seventh and eighth grade lead the younger kids in a mini lesson about what was learned in Chapel that day. Leah, a seventh grader and I were put together as Faith family leaders, but really she would mostly lead the Faith Family. However, in seventh and eighth grade I have realized that there has been a purpose all along. I started to notice how much the younger classes look up to the older classes such as seventh and eighth grade. You can impact their lives and lifestyle values as well. You really see it everyday. Sometimes the younger kids that are in kindergarten through fifth and even sixth grade might come up and hug you or say hello. And when I lead Faith Families every other Wednesday, I not only see the younger kids become more friendly and active, but I also see  that the other Faith Family leader, Cate has become a little less shy and leads more often. You see my point is that even if you can't see your purpose in the beginning, you can see it more clearly in the end.

People in the Bible had a purpose that God had planned for them. In fact, God's one and only son, Jesus Christ had a purpose that God made or him and that Jesus knew about. God planned that Jesus, would be the world's Savior and save us from sin. But before Jesus would go to die on the cross, he spent his time preaching and making an impact on the people around him. He would talk about God's love for us as well as impacting other people such as the family who's daughter had died and Jesus rose her from the dead. Or the woman who was going to be stoned to death and Jesus saved her from dying and told her to "Sin no more". Jesus caused people to believe in God and free them from the grasps of sin. 

Everyone has a purpose in life. And no matter what that intention is, just know that God planned for you to take on an objective in life so that you could learn more about God's plan for you through your action as well as impacting the people around you. Everyone is unique and special in God's eyes and our purpose makes us even stronger individuals. Whether you are a surgeon who saves people lives daily, or even just a Starbucks barista who smiles and says hello to all of your customers, your purpose is important. Maybe you think that you don't have an aspiration for your life yet, but that's okay because God has got it all worked out. By trusting God, you can have a better understanding of your purpose. So get out there, and find your purpose and God will be there for you every step of the way.

Matthew 5:13-16 "You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and hide it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a stand and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.

Click here for a short Wideo that continues to talk about my message!