Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Holy Cross: New Engineering Projects

Holy Cross: New Engineering Projects

Things I love about Holy Cross:

  • Good environment for all ages
  • Excellent teachers and staff
  • Organized layout of the school
  • Good sized class rooms
  • Organized and fun events
  • Fun classes
  • God centered

Problems with Holy Cross:

  • Lockers (we need more since there is a growing number of students)
  • A more organized car line and dismissal
  • Separate Cafeteria
  • More playground entertainment

Solutions for these problems:
  • We could install more lockers where the table is near Mr. St. Clair's room
  • We could expand the parking lot or figure out a different system or have a more organized car line 
  • We could build another build part on the building and make that the cafeteria. Or we could use an unused part of the school if at all possible. However the school is already planning on adding a part to the school to make the cafeteria
  • Gaga ball pit example
  • We could add more unique playground equipment such as a Gaga Ball Pit
We could use the extra wall space that is
near Mr. St. Clair's room for more lockers
We could draw up a sketch so that
people could easily understand how the
carline works
If we expand the school then we could place our cafeteria tables
in the new cafeteria space

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