Thursday, September 4, 2014

Look It's Lanthanum!!!

The First Element in the Lanthanide group of elements!

 The element Lanthanum was first discovered in 1839 by a Swedish scientist by the name of Carl Gustaf Mosander. The element was first discovered while Carl Gustaf Mosander was looking for impurities in the element cerium. After adding nitric acid to cerium, Carl Gustaf Mosander discovered a substance called lanthana. This was just the beginning of a new elemental discovery. It actually wasn't until 1923 that the metal form of Lanthanum was discovered by two men, H. Kermers and R. Stevens.
Though Lanthanum is considered a rare earth metal, it is actually quite abundant. Lanthanum can be found in the earth's crust. In fact 0.0018% of the earth's crust is made up of Lanthanum. Lanthanum can also be found in some parts of the ocean. Lanthanum can be acquired through the process of ion exchange. Of course this is done in scientific labs so though we cannot prove in class that it exist, scientist can.
Lanthanum is an element however it is part of many compounds. Some compounds include Lanthanum Bromate, Lanthanum Tallium, as well as Lanthanum Iodate, Lanthanum chloride, and Lanthanum oxide. There are many other compounds that include Lanthanum but these are just a few.
Lanthanum belongs to group three and period six on the periodic table of elements. Lanthanum belongs in group three because group three consists of rare earth elements. Lanthanum belongs in period six because group six consists of Lanthanoids, a special group of metals that include Lanthanum. Lanthanum's atomic structure is very large. The Lanthanum atom has 57 protons, 87 neutrons, and 57 electrons. Lanthanum has 57 electrons because it is considered a neutral atom. 

Lanthanum's Molecular Structure!

Though Lanthanum is a metal it is actually soft enough to be cut with a knife. Lanthanum is also one of the most reactive metal out of other rare earth metals. Did you know that Lanthanum means "to lie hidden"? This comes from the Greek word "lanthaneia". Lanthanum is used to create many things. Objects that are commonly created with Lanthanum are flint lighters and expensive camera lenses. If you sell Lanthanum you would be making $64 per gram. WOW! 
Lanthanum is an interesting element. It is a rare earth metal however it is fairly common and abundant in the earth's crust. It is found in many compounds and it can be cut with a knife.  Wow, who knew this element could be so interesting?!!     

This flint lighter is created
with Lanthanum. Lanthanum
helps give the lighter its spark.
What the element Lanthanum looks like!
It's soft texture is soft enough to be cut with a knife!


This camera has a lens that is made
out of Lanthanum!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting write-up about lanthanum! I find it interesting that it is a highly conductive metal, yet fragile enough to be cut with a knife.
